
We develop the content of Studyladder with the best intentions to assist students with their education. However, we offer no guarantees about the effectiveness of the program or the information posted.

Studyladder is not responsible for any loss or liability relating to website use and/or resulting from errors, omissions, down-time, misrepresentations or misunderstandings. Further, Studyladder is not responsible for any loss or liability relating to any websites linking to or from Studyladder or products, services, websites or programs recommended by Studyladder.

While we try to keep the Studyladder website fully operational 100 per cent of the time, we occasionally encounter circumstances beyond our control, such as updates or maintenance issues, which may cause disruption in service. Studyladder will not be liable if the site becomes unavailable, for whatever reason, or if the website becomes permanently suspended.